Institute of Mathematics and Informatics - BAS
IMI-BAS develops: a) fundamental and applied research in mathematics and informatics in accordance with national and European priorities, integration of IMI into the European Research Area; b) research in the fields of mathematical structures, mathematical modeling and mathematical informatics, leading to innovative applications in other sciences, in information and communication technologies, in industry, culture and education.
For more than 15 years, IMI-BAS has been developing innovative methods and tools for digital creation, integration, presentation and preservation of cultural and historical heritage through digital content management systems, digital libraries, virtual galleries, expositions and more.
The Institute has long-standing interests in technological development of information systems, knowledge management systems, content management systems, distributed multimedia environments, semantic Internet applications, and interactive learning environments.
On this basis, IMI-BAS can provide expertise and transfer of technologies and good practices in the following directions:
• High-quality digitization of artifacts and collections in various types of media (text, images, video, audio);
• Precise graphic processing of digital objects by modern means of information technologies, design of 2D and 3D objects, digital restoration;
• include a technical and semantic description of digital objects in accordance with established standards such as Dublin Core, RDF, etc .;
• presentation of the artifacts and their description in a virtual environment for complex and multimedia exposure.
Project No. 1 (project name): Knowledge based technologies for creating digital resources and virtual presentation of significant collections of Bulgarian folklore heritage
An archive of digital objects (selected collections from the Fund of the Institute of Folklore at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) was created within the framework of the project, which corresponds to the European and world requirements for such activity and in accordance with the specifics of the presented artifacts. The complex structure and the multi-layered character of the folklore objects imposed the application of an innovative information approach. The content WEB presentation of Bulgarian folklore identifies the use of modern methods and technologies for the development of a digital archive that will serve not only for the storage and access to information, but also as a means of carrying out research and analysis. Through the technologies based on the knowledge and approach of the Semantic Web, a digital library and information artery was created in order to present in a virtual form the significant phenomena of the Bulgarian folklore heritage. The realization of the project provided opportunities for broad social applications of multimedia collections for the purposes of interactive distance learning / self-study, research in the field of Bulgarian traditional culture and for the development of cultural and ethno-tourism.
Project 2 (project name): Multimedia digital library "Virtual encyclopedia of Bulgarian iconography" (
2005 - So far
The project has created a complete software platform to provide flexible and effective access to the multimedia presentations of cultural and historical artifacts and collections of the Bulgarian iconographic heritage, supporting various forms and formats of the digital information content and rich functionality for interaction with it. The library is currently used for storing and preserving digital information content and provides innovative services for: a) input, indexing, semantic annotation and management of archives and collections with unlimited number of multimedia objects - images, video, sound, text, etc .; b) management of meta-descriptions of the included objects and collections (including semantic and technical metadata); (c) means for navigating and retrieving digital objects and / or their descriptions; interactive, interactive multimedia presentation of digital content and objects; d) searching (standard, complex, semantic, contextual, etc.), selection and grouping of objects, creation of collections of digital resources (thematic, time and space dependent etc.) and their attractive virtual exposure; (e) personalization and adaptive access to digital content; (f) multilingualism; (g) administration and maintenance of the environment; h) protection and preservation of digital content, etc.